Tagit: Aasialaiset, Apk, Brunetit, Cheating, Ejukulaatio, Fantasia, Fetissi, High resolution, Isot munat, Isot tissit, Itsetyydytys, Julkinen seksi, Käteenveto, Milf, Monster sex, Parodiat, Pelit, Pelottava, Rakkaus, Redheads, Renpy, Rotujenvälinen seksi, Sankarit, Sarjakuvat, Scifi, Seksi, Simulaattorit, Tappelu, Teiniseksi, Tietokilpailu, Uncensored, Visual novels, Yli 18
This is a visual novel and a parody of the Teen Titans cartoon. You play as Robin, he is the leader of a powerful team of superheroes who are also known as Titans. Robin has no superpowers, but he has a well-developed intellect. As a team, you will embark on an unknown journey, where dangers and temptations will wait for you at every step. Try to face the most dangerous enemy of all that Robin has ever faced - it's himself. Your choice doesn't really affect the game, so just enjoy the plot.
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